Professional code enforcement through continuing education since 1975
"Education + Conversation = Compliance"
How much are the annual dues? Dues for Finger Lakes Building Officials Association: Active Membership - Presently employed as a code enforcement officer, Dues are $60. Active Membership - Member of NYSBOC through another organization. Dues are $30. Associate Membership - Not employed as a CEO but employed in a related field, Dues are $60. Honorary Membership - Upon invitation by Board of Directors
Why am I being asked to pay for attendance at a FLBOA monthly meeting/seminar? ​We have to pay for use of the facility and clean up. We also provide coffee, tea, soda, bottled water and lunch. The fees you are asked to pay are simply to pay for the expenses we incure.
How do I confirm my registration for the FLBOA conference? When you register for the conference with us you will receive an email confirmation shortly after submitting the registration form. It is not an instant process but very close. If you do not receive an email confirmation you should contact Jim Bailey, at
Can I call to confirm registration, membership or ask other questions? At this time it is best that you send your question via email to the website committee. They will forward your question to the appropriate person and they will respond to you. Please include your contact information.